- Deep Learning - Self-Attention
- LeetCode - 330. Patching Array
- LeetCode - 502. IPO
- LeetCode - 974. Subarray Sums Divisible by K
- LeetCode - 523. Continuous Subarray Sum
- Pattern Recognition - An improved handwritten Chinese character recognition system using support vector machine
- Deep Learning - CNN to Classify FashionMNIST
- Artificial Intelligence - Rule-based expert systems, Fuzzy expert systems and Genetic algorithms
- LeetCode - 1863. Sum of All Subset XOR Totals
- Deep Learning - Transformer
- Deep Learning - Backpropagation Algorithm to Classify MNIST
- Deep Learning - Simple Stochastic Gradient Descent Implementation
- Machine Learning - Cross-Validation & Holdout Method
- LeetCode - 2370. Longest Ideal Subsequence
- VMware Workstation - Windows Installation
- Machine Learning - Confusion Matrix
- Machine Learning - Underfitting, Overfitting and L1 L2 Regularization
- Machine Learning - Decision Tree Learning
- Machine Learning - Generative Adversarial Networks
- Machine Learning - Hypothesis
- Machine Learning - Linear Regression & Logistic Regression
- Machine Learning - Data Preprocessing
- Machine Learning - Support Vector Machine
- Machine Learning - Concept
- Cyber Security - Web Cache Deception
- MATLAB - Note
- Cloud Computing - Lagrangian Relaxation & Load Balance & Dynamic Scheduling Algorithms
- CUT - Contrastive Learning for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation
- Gemini - Introduction
- Stable Diffusion - Installation
- Python - PyTorch
- Cyber Security - RSA
- Microsoft - PowerPoint Note
- Python - Matplotlib
- Python - Syntax
- Cyber Security - Insecure Deserialization
- Cyber Security - XXE
- ASP.NET MVC Framework - Sync & Async
- ASP.NET MVC Framework - JSON
- ASP.NET MVC Framework - XHR
- ASP.NET MVC Framework - AJAX
- ASP.NET MVC Framework - Routing & Area
- ASP.NET MVC Framework - Model
- ASP.NET MVC Framework - View
- ASP.NET MVC Framework - Controller
- Web - jQuery
- Web - JavaScript
- Web - Front End Basic Introduction
- Kendo UI - Note
- SQL - Transact-SQL
- SQL - Transaction
- SQL - Stored Procedure
- SQL - Note
- Hexo - Deployment
- OpenAI API - EasyOCR with OpenAI API and Unsplash API Side Project
- OCR - pytesseract & jieba
- OpenAI API - Fine-Tune OpenAI Model Side Project
- OpenAI API - Connect OpenAI Model with MATLAB Program and Automatically Send Gmail by SMTP
- OpenAI API - How to generate OpenAI API key
- Web - What is API
- Google - sign in with app passwords
- UVA 10099 - The Tourist Guide
- UVA 00558 - Wormholes
- UVA 10986 - Sending email
- UVA 00908 - Re-connecting Computer Sites
- UVA 10020 - Minimal Coverage
- UVA 00757 - Gone Fishing
- Algorithm - Floyd-Warshall
- Algorithm - SPFA
- Algorithm - Dijkstra
- Algorithm - Minimum Spanning Tree
- Algorithm - Disjoint Set
- Database Project - Stix
- Deep Learning - Convolutional Neural Networks
- CSIE - Networking Introduction
- CSIE - Database
- Deep Learning - Gradient and Directional Derivative
- Deep Learning - Gradient and Exploding Gradient
- Deep Learning - Activation Function and Loss Function
- Deep Learning - Perceptron Learning Algorithm
- Deep Learning - Neural Network, Feed-Forward Neural Network Architecture
- CSIE - Operating System
- CSIE - Computer Organization
- UVA 00216 - Getting in Line
- UVA 00167 - The Sultans Successors
- UVA 00441 - Lotto
- UVA 10189 - Minesweeper
- UVA 00439 - Knight Moves
- UVA 00572 - Oil Deposits
- Algorithm - DFS
- Algorithm - BFS
- Cyber Security - XSS Game
- Cyber Security - XSS
- PHP - Introduction
- Github - Note