
早安 歡迎來到我的 Blog,我是 Lavinia,也可以叫我 LAVI
貓貓的名字是莫眠 Momi

Hi there Welcome to my blog, I’m Lavinia, but you can also call me LAVI
My cat’s name is Momi.

About Me

  • NTU EE 國立臺灣大學電機工程學研究所 NetDB Lab,陳銘憲老師的研究生
  • Programming languages / Frameworks / Fields I’m proficient in:
    • C/C++、Python、Java、Flask、JavaScript、C#、ASP.NET、MVC、SQL、MATLAB、PHP
    • Machine Learning、Generative AI、Data Mining、Cyber Security
  • 「量變會產生質變。」 – 中山女高三捷施小琴老師。
  • 「大家都是站在巨人的肩膀上做研究。」

Contact Me

Github Instagram Facebook
Contact Momi
  • 德之貓貓家族
    • 花花是在貓中途之家領養的迷克斯貓貓
    • 吉咪是一隻小公主 金吉拉小黑貓貓
    • 莫眠是超愛睡的銀灰色虎斑貓貓
Momi's Instagram

Research Project

Theme Project Name
Deep Learning 基於深度學習之中文書法的辨識與生成
Cyber Security AIS3 網頁安全組專題研究 - CDN 誘捕系統
Database 售票系統平台 STIX
Machine Learning AI CUP - 以生成式 AI 建構無人機於自然環境偵察時所需之導航資訊
Personal Side Project Connect OpenAI Model with MATLAB Program and Automatically Send Gmail by SMTP
Personal Side Project Fine-Tune OpenAI Model
Personal Side Project EasyOCR with OpenAI API and Unsplash API

Course Instructor

Date Topic
2021-12-13 Struct + Linked List
2022-05-02 BFS + DFS
2022-11-21 Struct + Linked List
2023-02-15 Greedy
2023-02-15 Graph
2023-02-17 MST
2023-02-17 ShortestPath
2023-03-13 Greedy & BinarySearch
2023-03-20 Enumerate
2023-05-01 Dijkstra & SPFA
2023-09-18 程式競賽簡介
Cyber Security

All courses are prepared collaboratively with CHA.

Date Topic
2021-08-09 Info Leakage
2021-08-09 Steganography
2021-10-12 Hacker dorking
2021-10-20 Info Leakage
2021-11-23 Web Introduction
2022-03-23 PHP
2022-03-29 XSS
2022-08-22 Misc
Deep Learning

All courses are prepared collaboratively with Andy.

Date Topic
2023-09-27 Python Intro
2023-12-08 PyTorch Intro
2024-03-12 Python Intro
2024-05-10 PyTorch - Backpropagation Algorithm to Classify MNIST
2024-05-24 PyTorch - CNN to Classify FashionMNIST